「SYNTHESIS JOHN -あなたであるということ-」
10 月 9 日水曜日 - 10 月 13 日日曜日
開催時間 12:00-19:00
( 最終日 17:00 まで )
[Curator's remarks]
haco -art brewing gallery-は今年で3年目になります。それを記念いたしまして、この度はhaco史上初の所属作家として、井上惟晏さんをお迎えいたしました。
キュレーター : 小能一樹
Ian IA _ iiainchrist(Instagram)
Wednesday, October 9 - Sunday, October 13
Opening hours : 12:00-19:00
(until 17:00 on the last day)
John 1:20 He confessed, and did not deny, but confessed, “I am not the Christ.”
John the Baptist was not the Christ, but rather one to bear wittiness of Him.
When man accepts his destiny a part of him experiences death. From there on, he no longer serves himself, but the purpose in which he was sent into the world. John’s experience is the prime example of selflessness. His existence itself was praise and ministry.
John’s words are not large in number but communicate a true love for his destiny. His dedication to merge his individuality with his purpose is apparent in every expression.
Through the work in this exhibit I attempt to learn from John. Through dedication to the picture, I seek a certain desirable death, and find the innermost self. All in pursuit of the great virtue John revealed; humility, and synthesis with the Will of God.
The Love of Christ be with us all.
[Curator's remarks]
haco -art brewing gallery- is now celebrating its 3rd year. To commemorate this milestone, we are pleased to welcome Mr. Ian Inoue Ahern as our very first resident artist.
Mr. Inoue has been dedicatedly creating art after graduating from the Oil Painting Department of Tokyo University of the Arts. He possesses a rare painter's temperament in today's world, and observing his intense dedication to painting is both inspiring and, at times, concerning.
To engage with a painting means to pursue the constructive aspect of the artwork and also to delve deeply into one's inner self. The interplay of spontaneous formations and harmonies of paint, borrowing the artist’s own words, "the sensory joy arising from repeated interactions leading to the encounter of true expressions," is the joy of exploration on the canvas.
On one hand, there is the pure enjoyment of painting; on the other, the act of painting reveals one's strengths and weaknesses, vice and virtues, the nature of human relationships, the ideals of such engagements, and whether one should accept the inevitable occurrences of life as they are. It is this profound and earnest immersion in the experiences of both the good and the bad that can lead to deep contemplation. However, observing Mr. Inoue, one realizes that this might be at the core of a meaningful life.
We hope all will be able to feel the sincerity of his artistic pursuit and way of life. Please join us in supporting and welcoming our first resident artist, Mr. Ian Inoue Ahern.
Curator: Kazuki Kono