8 月 16日火曜日 - 8 月 21 日日曜日
開催時間 11:00-19:00
( 最終日 17:00 まで )
先月、SNS 上で強制立ち退きについての記事を目にする機会があり、そのとき目にした、次々に開発され姿を変えていく街並みの中で、取り壊されなかった一軒家がぽつんと道路の真ん中に佇んでいる様子を捉えた写真は、単純に不自然で面白いと感じると同時に、「つくられた常識」に適応できなかった(とされた) 路上生活者などを彷彿とさせます。
Kimijima Maya
Tuesday, August 16 - Sunday, August 21
Opening hours: 11:00-19:00
(until 17:00 on the last day)
Last month, I had the opportunity to read an article on social networking sites about forced evictions, and I saw a photo of a house that had not been demolished standing alone in the middle of the street in a cityscape that was being developed and transformed one after another. At the same time, it reminds us of people living on the streets who have failed to adapt to the "created norm.
Slums and homeless people are generally shunned and ostracized by society. At first glance, they may seem to be a disorderly group, but there is a strong relationship between people, order, and freedom because of their inconvenience.
Living creatures are used as food, houses are made by piecing together used and discarded materials, improvised livingware, blue sheets cover the walls to protect them from the wind and rain, and cardboard bedding keeps the heat in. Cities covered with graffiti and stickers. A fork, for example, is a tool we use to eat, but here it can also be used as a "comb. Strangely enough, it is like a child building a secret base with a child's mind, or being forced to do so, without likening the former product to its original use, but still fulfilling its original role in turning life - everyday life - into a reality. It can be said that these products no longer have the efficacy of common sense, and that a unique community has been formed that is similar to that of different cultures, such as ethnic groups. I believe that there is a certain innovation in the act of thinking and creating things with one's own hands. In my own work, I hope to repeat such pure modeling, thinking with my own hands, and incorporating what I see into my work. These thoughts have led me to want to create paintings and sculptures in a straightforward manner using direct expressions such as carving, scraping, scratching, and heaping.
Although I am still in my infancy as an artist, I hope that you will enjoy the dialogue between my work and your senses.